License for AnimatedIcons

Summary (TL;DR)

You're free to use AnimatedIcons in any project, be it for commercial or personal use, without the need for attribution or any costs. However, you cannot use the icons to create a service similar to AnimatedIcons or redistribute the icons as a package.

Full License Text

All icons provided under the AnimatedIcons library, whether free or paid, are available for use. You can employ them for both non-commercial and commercial objectives. No permission or credit is necessary from the creator or AnimatedIcons.

To detail further, AnimatedIcons grants you a nonexclusive, worldwide copyright license. This license lets you download, copy, modify, display, and use the icons offered by AnimatedIcons at no cost, including for commercial activities, without needing permission from or attribution to the creator or AnimatedIcons. Yet, this license does not allow you:

- To use the icons to create, establish or promote a similar or competing service.
- To redistribute the icons as a standalone package or part of another package.

This restriction applies regardless of the method — be it automated or non-automated — of linking, embedding, scraping, searching, or downloading the icons available from AnimatedIcons without our express consent.